The Cartel is a sports competition held every year by the Mines engineering school group. Over 1000 students will compete on 12 different sports, mixed and non mixed, following this spreadsheet:
This year, EURECOM was invited by the Mines d’Alès engineering school, the host of this edition. Alès is located next to Montpellier, 3 hours away from EURECOM and the event will take place from the 27th of April to the 30th.
Sports will take place during the day and parties will take place during the night.
The departure will take place from EURECOM some time in the morning on Thursday the 27th, and the return will be on Sunday the 30th around 2 or 3pm also at EURECOM.
Fill this form if you want to participate in the Cartel: Registration form
The price for the participation is 85€ (it includes housing, food and transportation from the 27th of April to the 30th), which will be in two installments:
-40€ on the 19th of February 2023 with a deadline on the 26th of February 2023.
-45€ on the 19th of March 2023 with a deadline on the 26th of March 2023.
If you have not paid the first installment by the 26th of February 2023, you will not be registered for the Cartel.
Link to the first installment: Here Link to the second installment: Sunday 19/03/2023, 3PM, Paris time.
We tried to give as much time as possible so that people can form teams before paying for the participation.
You will be added to the WhatsApp group once your registration is confirmed for all informations regarding the event.
If you want to practice a sport but can’t do it at EURECOM, please let us know by email at bds[at]eurecom[dot]fr.