


Hello fellow climbers, EUREClimb is a group of climbers gathering every week to go indoor climbing (i.e climbing without a rope) in one of the places of the region.
Whether you already climbed or not, have already done a lot of sports or not, come join us ! Climbing is the most beginner friendly sport !

Practice sessions

Blocparty Climbing
Arkose Nice
Art Bloc

Prices per session will range from 9 to 15 euros.
Transportation is provided by members with a car. The departure is usually from EURECOM and the return trip will drop you off at your desired location.

Schedule: Tuesday from 7pm to 9/10pm

If you want to climb any other day, don’t hesitate asking for a session in the WhatsApp group, we would be very happy climbing with you.


Having as much fun as possible and sending as many boulders as we can ! But beware, although climbing is quite physical no matter your level, it is also very rewarding and thus very addictive…


Light sport clothes, and climbing shoes if you have (which are not hiking shoes). Otherwise, all the gyms can rent you shoes.


The supervisor of the club is Guillaume Ung. Please do not hesitate to contact him for any information.

Link to WhatsApp group

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